Sunday, May 30, 2010


So, uhh, I don't even know where to start. Seriously. I don't. If I updated everything that was on my mind, we'd be reading pages now, but if I say to little, I won't be able to pick up where I left off the last time.

So, its been just over a month, and High School is making its way to an end, at least, for this year. 9 Days left of school, and Senior Year is fast approaching. Amanda Anderson worked her way into, and then quickly out of my life, in the span of about a month, so, that was fun.

Finally "un-blocked" Margie, that was fun. I blocked her, because she was being a jerk, and I just didn't even want the thought of her in my life for awhile.... It was really nice. Seriously, I enjoyed it.

Uhh, Sarah S also kinda entered near FBLA State, kinda lingered, and then, BOOM, slapped in teh face, and ran away. Apparently she doesn't want to hurt a nice guy like me. Seems she knows exactly the type of guy I am.... *sigh*, LAME.

So, I missed my shift at work on saturday. THAT sucked. I was super pumped for being Floor Guard, and yet, BOOM. Missed the whole shift. Managers laughed at me, and told me not to do it again. I should only have work on friday, this coming. We'll see.

Meh. I'm so bored. I really want a girlfriend. This suckssss. Now what? I feel so.. useless, except, for, God, but, thats awesome.

Personal Relationship with God is growing. Its kinda nice. Ima make a blog post on 1 chapter, 1 day, it'll be fun. Maybe Justin'll get it.