Tuesday, October 18, 2011

10 months later...

I always have an awesome habit of forgetting about this blog until I need to vent to someone. Of course, I don't really have anybody to vent to at this point, so obviously my mind wanders here.

Too much has happened in the past 10 months to even really write about it. "That girl" failed, as they all have. And even ANOTHER girl after that failed. Big surprise. I think I should just give up on girls.. >.>

Uhmm.. I've learned to play guitar, and I'm leading worship (for the 3rd time) this Sunday. That should be awesome. I'm excited.

I kinda started college this summer.. That was cool. lol. Its still school, but just.. more free-form. I'm still lazy, and procrastinate. Although, I'm slightly better than I was in highschool... I think.

Girls are lame. And yet, I still have that horrible longing desire to have one as my own. Gotta love the internal hard-wiring.

One day at a time. I need sleep. Ima regret this in the morning. Blah. But hey! At least I updated. :D