Sunday, November 23, 2008

Living the Good Life

Ahhh.... The taste of freedom.

Its quite amazing to feel how amazing the end of marching season is. It feels so.... tiring. haha, but whatever! It's over! Life is good! I need to shave!! No more band!!

So, here's the thing, I dont usually update my blog unless something haywire's gone off, so you know, no news is good news? Haha, nobody reads this one anymore, so like, I could pretty much say whatever I want. My other one is still hidden nicely also... life is good. =D

Haha, yeah. Good times.......

Although, you know, sometimes I wish I could go back to when everyone still talked to me.

We've all grown apart. Although, now that I think about it, the only thing that was holding us together was something that would never work.

Funny how things happen...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Surprise Surprise

Turns out poison doesnt willingly pass through your body. It takes time, effort, and some suffering for it to finally leave.

Pretty retarded how I... passively let this poison stay in me. Really stupid to be more descriptive. I hate this poisoin, I honestly do. Yet, argh. Idk.

Not much really to say. Life has been going good. Simple as that...

All that remains is some "poison". Heh.... Good times.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Life is good.

Simply put, thats about all I have to say.

Oh, and, well.


Saturday, November 8, 2008

You Stalker!!!!!

Hah, Just called you... and you out!!! =PPP

You know what, right now, life is quite awesome. I'm not gonna lie. Not caring about anything but school? Amazing. Quite honestly, amazing.

I have no friends to "care" about in a sense. Nobody comes to me first, therefore, no problems!! I can sit back, relax, and eat popcorn while everyone else runs around with their heads chopped off.

Plus, this long weekend? WOOT. Seriously... life right now, Is so awesome. I truly, and honestly, cant complain.

Ashame to admit it though, but I'm still having a bit of trouble just letting go of everything. Some things want to hang on. Almost how a cookie always sheds crumbs, except, this isnt a cookie. This is more of a weed that refuses to be pulled.

Before too long, hopefully, my mind will whip out the weed killer, but untill then, looks like ima have to do all the work for myself.... =]

Good day today.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I love how my mind goes from happy one minutes, to horribly distressed in the next... oh well. Thats life sometimes.

Today, I ponder the faking of friendships... Can you really fake a friendship? Idk, maybe. I suppose I could do it if I needed, act like everything was fine between me and somebody, but really, I couldnt stand them. Something to ponder about... on my part.

Our first concert is tonight. I'm rather excited! This should be pretty fun. Hopefully we'll get a recording of it eventually, because I'd really like a few of these songs.

here goes nothing!!

GL, HF. Quick update. Thats all

Monday, November 3, 2008


So, as it turns out, history really does repeat itself... Yeah. I figured I'd try to get close to some group of friends. Seemed to work for a little bit... but yet, as always, I'm bounced back into nothing. 

Of course, whenever a door closes, a window is always opened, and from that, I've met quite a few good people outside of this group. Of course... they're related to the group, and it just gets me in a big stupid circle.

People wonder... atleast, those who know me, wonder why I hide so much. I do this because of situations like these. I attempt to get close to a group of friends, and I just dont seem to be good enough. I'm never full-heartedly accepted into the group because I'm aparantly not good enough for everyone to agree at once.

Sure, individually, everythings great! Nobodys going to see them interacting with me, so whats the point? Why not be nice? But yet, when things start to get public, it doesnt work. Obviously I'm just not up to par for some people. Either I'm not old enough, mature enough, or just tend to be lacking some detail they have to find in me.... Ashame. It really is.

I believe half the time, people dont even give me a chance. Honestly? Nah, I'm apparently not worth the effort to be given a chance.

This may sound like a really over-reacting type post, and normally, I'd agree. Yet, as I've said, this isnt the first time, nor am I over-reacting. Its simply something that tends to happen time and time again. Why dont people just give me a chance? 

Of course, aside from a few specific things examples I have in my mind, most people do give me a chance, and most people except me for who I am. Thats not my complaint. Its the fact that I attempt to grow closer to a select group of people, and each time I try, it gets shoved back in my face.


Good Times.

On a lighter note, report cards came out today.

3 A's,
1 B
1 C
1 D+
1 D.

Good times.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Quick Update



Life has been going. Not too bad. Not altogether amazingly wonderful. Quite bad as of 5 seconds ago, when I DELETED THIS STUPID POSt. RAWRRRRRRRRRRRRR

ANyway....... Yeah. just a quick update.

Lost to GHS again at Southern Showcase. Good times.

God Dangit..... OH WELL. Life goes on.






I'm not emo. I just feel strange tonight. lol, Good times!

My freedom is gone tomorrow... that could be it. Rawr. darnit. Shoot. FUDGE.

See ya!