Thursday, June 11, 2009

Its about that time...

You know. For an update!!

Summer so far, has been quite nice, despite the fact that it seems like it been going on for MUCH longer than only 1 week.

Yes, thats right. Summer is officially 1 week old... can you believe it?? It feels like much... much longer for me. Although.. I guess thats a good thing.

Personally, it still hasnt really kicked me in the face, you know, the fact that its summer and all. Like, yesterday, I could've SWORN it was saturday, and just, today, it feels like sunday, and like there's school tomorrow.

Its so odd, just being able to relax.. and just... yeah... *sigh*. Good times.

So Justin is reformatting his computer tonight, and its about darn time. Been threatening for quite a long time now. Hopefully, once its all done and over with, we'll be able to actually play some games together. Thats the goal atleast.

Amy Fox is currently down in... uhh... somewhere.. down south... near orlando... Kissimmi!!! I think, however you spell it.

She went down there to stay in a condo for about a week with her family, and to just chillax. Woot for relaxation. Ima need some before too much longer... *sigh*, mountains trip... not again....

So life right now, is quite nice. Everything has aligned to quite the perfect balance of friends + Activities + Family... and what I mean by the perfect balance of family, is just enough time to see them, ask to do something, and then say thanks. Haha, its horrible, I know, but I figure i'll get plenty of "bonding" time when i drive my parents, or mom, or someone, up to north carolina, which, is a nice 12 hour drive away.

I wonder what driving some odd 12 hours will be like... I mean, maybe without my parents it'd be a lot more fun, becuase then I could really listen to music as loud as I'd like, and just, think about whatever.

I mean, I can still think about whatever, but there'll just be a parent next to me, trying to get me to talk 99% of the time, if they're not asleep. Meh... Oh well.

Lately, I've really been wanting to just play some games, but I'm scared that my parents will want me to do something, and i'll have to let down people I'm playing with, and just get them all mad at me.

Meh... I think I care about my commitments too much... well, maybe virtually.. but those are real people I'm talking with!! Waghghghggh, I dont even know.

Conclusion. Life is amazing. Not really much else to say.

Hung out with Justin + Taylor today. That was fun. Now they can officially relate a name to a face, and a voice, and some actions, and some conversations, and some games... and well, just general memories. lawl.

Good times..... ;)

I'll be around.
