Monday, March 22, 2010


Why does time fly so fast?! Seriously, it doesn't seem like just a month ago I was updating this.

IDK, just, its crazy how things go. Ranting about girls, start, now.

So, high school. Firstly, its almost over. Seriously, I'm at the 3/4's point right now in my junior year, along with the 3/4's part of the whole career.... Why don't people ever tell you its going to go by fast?

I mean, people are like "Life is short..", but they're never like "HIGHSCHOOL IS UBER FREAKING SHORT. ENJOY IT." There's my side-rant about high school.

So. Women. Gotta love em... except.. not always... They're so confusing sometimes.. Goodness. Can't live with them, can't live without them..

Honestly though, I'm so freaking confused about girls in my life. Its to the point of where I feel like I'm schizophrenic. One side of me is screaming for some type of relationship, where the other is screaming me to keep it purely friendly... and both sides are at eternal war with themselves!

High school should be a place for casual dating, a place for you to understand what you're looking for in the opposite sex, and to have some fun while doing it. Keeping aware of your boundaries, while attempting to ground yourself to the real world, with its real consequences is also part of the equation..

Sadly, I can't seem to find someone who feels the same way that I do, but if I do, they seem to be stuck up within their group of friends, and not willing to venture out and meet a new guy, who justs want to be himself (quite hard to do these days, within itself).

Along that note, Clinging sucks. I'm not a christmas tree, and you're not my ornament, please, if I don't look like I'm enjoying the presence of you, and especially not enjoying the hugs, please, BACK OFF....


Back to rant.

Where is the line we should draw in high school? I know a friend of mine is trying to even go so far as keeping hugging to a minimum (not quite my style), but then I know other friends who engage regularly in sex (once again, not my style). I need to find a happy medium... and yet, no matter how hard I try, it doesn't seem to work.

'Tis the human aspect of me, I fail, and it sucks. Every day I'm reminded of how much I can suck, and will suck, and will continue to suck. Like Paul says (roughly translated) "I do the things I don't want to do." I mean, its just, CONSTANTLY being a retarded kid with my down syndrome. FML. Not really. I love life. God is good. I love him too.

Seriously. Girls, please, stop killing my mind. I'm ready for high school to get out simply just to start REAL dating. Once I actually like, have a CHANCE to do some serious dating, I think I'll be okay.

Another note! Most of my relationships have failed! Hard Core! Its been horrible... but I mean, its me to blame. I just won't compromise for being me, and sadly, some girls don't like me for who I am. Its just part of the process of this dating thing. Trying to find a girl who will like me for who I am, for the rest of this little short insignificant (not quite) thing called life.

/end rant. Not really.

'nuff saiad for now.... although, I have had some posative relationships that I would not trade for the world. *nods* That means you.

Its been good ranting. Its time to go be a normal teenager again, and put life on cruise control.

bbl guys, I gotta go be a sheep.

Thanks. Yeah...


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