Friday, June 11, 2010

Officially a senior tonight. Its June 11th, at 11:09PM, as I write this, and I honestly, no matter how long, or much I wrote, would not even begin to tell you what has happened in these past 6 months.

Argh... So many emotions, so little time! I honestly cannot get it all out, and just, I think thats okay. I will just, keep doing what I'm doing, and things will be good.


Thats how things are, when you graduate. Its never the same, no matter how much you want it to be. Even those BFFs who promised to call each and every weekend, will break up, and soon fall apart. Where there is no similarity, there is no connection. Where there is little to no connection, there is no friendship.

Thats why I have a hard time with people saying "oh, we can make it across the distance!" (relationship wise), because whatever you would have to make things common, such as a class, or a school, or a car, or an apartment... Isn't there. The link that two people would normally have, is gone, and they are forced to fend for themselves. Keeping a fire lit, without any wood, is very tough.

I'm semi-sad tonight, and I don't know why. My seniors are graduating? Or maybe because I soon, will be in that same spot. I will be a graduate of BHS, and soon to be doing what I must do for the rest of my life..

Who knows. God does, and I trust that. That is truly, the only constant thing in my life at this point, God. And its Amazing.

I have an ACT test tomorrow.. So, yeah..

I'll also be posting this same post onto my "public" blog, just, without the private blog info.. which.. isn't much this time.

Man, does time Fly.

With much (sorrow) (regret) (longing) solemnity,
