Sunday, July 27, 2008

Well now, looks like I get a new start.

I started a blog already, yet, I totally forgot it. So here goes my second chance. Simply, this is a blog for me to vent, and hopefully nobody I know will ever find out about it. If you read this, awesome, if you dont, well, thats life.

Im a kid named Martin. I'm going into the 10th grade this year, and I still currently know nothing about Life, Girls, or Relationships. Those are not in any type of order either, switch em around, you still have a big jumbled mess.

Recently, I've gone through the most stress of my entire life, and I dont want it to happen again. Seriously, sometimes you really do have to learn things for yourself, and this has been one of the toughest lessons in my entire life. Although, im a whole 15 years old, im sure i'll encounter more of this in the near future. Anyway, here's just some ramblings on the past few months.

All stories start out with a girl or two, and this one certainly doesnt go above the norm. There was a girl. I liked girl, wanted to get to know girl. Start to get to know girl, girls best friend starts liking me. Ironic? Maybe a little. Anyway, so, I start to get to know girls best friend. Get over original girl, and move to best friend. Life is good. Of course, it doesnt stay good. I introduce this girl to a good friend of mine. The first night they meet, they talk for five hours. I knew I was beating a dead horse from there on in.

Skip ahead about a month, and here we are. She's moved off of me, to my friend, and now HE'S confused. Meh.  Whatever. Anyway, so here I am, finally about over that girl, and attempting to pick up what bit of relationships I have left with this group of people. Aparently, I started coming off as annoying to most of the group, so I have to deminish that aspect of me, and somehow get them to not think so lowly of me anymore. Life goes on.

This blog will be used as a source for venting. If you dont like it, I dont even know why your still reading this. I'm being selfish, this is purely for me. So, yeah. Woohoo. I'll be giving occasional updates. But not for the next 2 weeks. Band camp is staring me straight in the face. Hello 10 hour days starting on tuesday.

Who knows, I might come home everyday and tell you about how it went. Haha, I can dream, cant I?

Thanks for reading, if you did. If you really did read this, I'll give you a cookie.


1 comment:

Amy Read said...

I read it.
Where's my cookie? ;)

Sorry, I didn't want to invade your personal space with comments, so I PROMISE that this will be the only comment you will ever see from me.
There. It's out of my system :)
