Thursday, August 7, 2008

Number Two

As I type this, I'm waiting for someone to give me something interesting to talk about. Her names Emily, and she could be a potential girlfriend in the future. lol, who knows. I dont think me and her have enough similairities to really try anything. Who knows though, I could eat my words later on. I mean, if anything, she doesnt look half bad. Whatever. We'll see. I personally dont think we "click" enough for anything.

Oh my goodness. These past 2-3 weeks have been INTENSE. Band Camp was freaking Hell... although, I actually, almost enjoyed it. Its something you dont want to do, but you make the best of it, and you learn a bunch of core value's. Of course, not being a freshman is also AWESOME. I'm not always the one being corrected, and I even got "Best Returning Member" this year! I was so happy! I love this blog, because I can state some of my true feelings without anyone knowing. Good times.

Anyway, so Margie. She really made a train wreck in my head... big time. I've never seen a girl thats been able to manipulate me so well, and then just discard me. I mean, aside from being TOTALLY heartbroken, she went with a good friend of mine, whom I introduced to her. Talk about freaking Ironic. I mean, this whole story is just laced with irony. Whatever. Anyway, so I'm STILL trying to get ovet that, because like, I wish I could totally throw out some of my emotions, because its just, it makes me REALLY mad. Yet, somehow, I still have to try and be friends. Thank God for this blog.

Band Camp was crazy. about 8-9 incoming freshman were taught how to march, how to play advanced music, and run around on a field in about 8 days. Amazing what a group of people can do when you all unite under a common delima. Next year, hopefully, Justin and I will be Co-Captains, and pure awesomeness will ensue.

Anyway. There's my vent for tonight. Maybe you'll get another in a few weeks. But of course, I'm sure nobody reads this anyways, so it works out quite well... =]


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