Sunday, November 23, 2008

Living the Good Life

Ahhh.... The taste of freedom.

Its quite amazing to feel how amazing the end of marching season is. It feels so.... tiring. haha, but whatever! It's over! Life is good! I need to shave!! No more band!!

So, here's the thing, I dont usually update my blog unless something haywire's gone off, so you know, no news is good news? Haha, nobody reads this one anymore, so like, I could pretty much say whatever I want. My other one is still hidden nicely also... life is good. =D

Haha, yeah. Good times.......

Although, you know, sometimes I wish I could go back to when everyone still talked to me.

We've all grown apart. Although, now that I think about it, the only thing that was holding us together was something that would never work.

Funny how things happen...

1 comment:

Justin said...

"Nobody is a virgin. Life screws everyone." It's funny how that is. How things change. Bonding with hell, separation with freedom. It's a crazy world. One minute you have this problem, and another minute you have this one. Sometimes, well, you have both. Our lives spin us out of control, snickering at our downfalls frowning at our triumphs. And then there's you - struggling to reach equilibrium, to find a peace in the entropy of life.