Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

Amazing how a man forgets this thing even exists when life is good!!

Check this out. Big update... or lack thereof.

So, its been exactly 3 weeks since I last posted. Lots of happened since then, and honestly, I cant remember it all. As all good stories go, there's a bit of girl drama, so just hold tight. ;)

Finals were last week. What a week... so long... so hard... and heck, I dont even have AP/Pre-AP classes.... Wait. 1 AP class... but honestly, its not an AP class. Anyway, yeah, that was fun.

Week before that, quite possibly the longest week ever. Just a really really long week, thats all.

Week before that? Dont remember. It was good. Everything in these last few posts have been great. Honestly, no complaints.

So. Girls. Lets venture upon this topic once again. I personally believe I have 3ish options right now.

1. Melissa Hoffman. Honestly, she's problably my best "Choice" if you want to call it this.

Sidenote - Honestly, I dont look as these girls as a list. Each person I've gotten to know quite well, and I'm just weighing out pros and cons to voice it to myself.

Anyway. Melissa. She's actually an "ex" of mine. We went out for about 2 weeks in eigth grade, and then she broke up with me. It actually, really... really hurt. lol, yeah. Fond memories. She's a wonderful girl, not half bad looking, and we get along like hardly any other people I know.

2. Taylor Simpson. Known this girl since kindergarden... or 1st grade. She insists it was 1st grade, but I think it was Kindergarden. lol, either way, we get along really well, and idk, just, I need to get to know her more. Attempted to go to the beach with her and a friend a few months back, but it failed. Flat tire on the way there. Fond memories.

3. Nicole Outler. Just met her this year, and she's a freshman. Haha, crazy, I know. She's one of the more mature freshman out there, which is nice. I have a really strong feeling that she does, infact, like me. This is a rather bad situation for me, partially because she gives really good hugs. lol, eh.. Ima have to back off on those hugs and whatnot. I absolutely cannot lead anyone else on in my entire life. Its a HORRIBLE trait that I can misintentionally do. Absolutely horrible.

Nicole is a good girl, with a good head on her shoulders. We get along fine... as friends. For the time being, I dont see myself going any father than simply what we are now. Its works fine for me. Sucks to say it, but as of now, I see her nothing more than a friend.... Why is she on this list then?? I dont know. Venting purposes. YOu know the drill. I wake up tomorrow, forget I ever vented, and live the good life, of course. Then somebody reads it. Gets offended/Hurt/upset. And I just vent more....

I Love Blogs...

On a side note. Its christmas today. I got a car. I absolutely love stick shift.

Merry Christmas!! Be back in another four weeks. rofl.


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