Saturday, February 28, 2009


I heard the latest price was like 250DKP. Thats insane, but I suppose thats life for you. Laurel is an awesome girl, but it certainly wont work for the time being. Different schools, age gap (Parents wont let her date till she's 16), and just, idk. Not seeing each other enough would kill me.

Not saying it wont work... but as for the time being, I'm going to try and back off just a little bit. Maybe if she follows, then I'll continue efforts, but if not. Life will go on.

Argh. I hate my mind. I really want a girlfriend for some reason, and I really dont think its going to work out for a little while. Meh... thats life.

Saw this guy today, named Grady McMurtry, and he was an AMAZING Creationist Scientist. Good guy. Really knew his stuff... I think I'll be showing some of my friends about his stuff. Show them how evolution really doesnt make sense.

Good stuff. Its a saturday, I should be happy. Cheer up me!!! Okay. Yeah...


P.S, I'm being more consistant. WOOT. -.-

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Steady now... steady...


Had a concert tonight. It went.... well.... in a sense that "well" means absolutely rediculusly horrible. Good times.

Really... really.......REALLY tired tonight, and so glad I get to sleep in tomorrow. Life is good. Kinda. Yeah.

Girls might be looking up. Laurel might not be a dead end after all. We shall see.

idk. Just wanted to update. Kinda-Sorta-ish... not really...but totally...not wanting to be sorta-consistant-ish. Meh. Idk. Just have to type.

As of now. I'm thinking about majoring in music. I'm darn sure I'm not giving it up when even now, its playing such a big, awesome, amazing, role in my life. Although, I really want to add some technology stuff in there too. Argh. Idk, we'll see.

In about 2 months, my mom is buying me a new computer, and I get to build it from scratch. I'm SO excited!!! It'll be truly awesome, and the computer will have my own personal touch.. forever!!!

Plus, that means 2 man games of Starcraft/Halo/Other network games in my room. WEWT!!!!

So yeah. Ginger is on my bed sulking, as always. Although, she is a really cute dog... <3 her too much.

This pretty much sums it up for the update. Life is good. People are talking. Things are looking up.


Good times.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Life is good. Homework sucks. Just a quick update for the MASS of people, who I'm sure read this. XD.

Girls... Not many of em are still around. Laurel is the only one who pulled through. Although nothings official, and problably wont be for quite some time, I've seemed to have found a happy medium. She potentially likes me, and I still like her. Who knows what will happen. Life is pretty good.

No flying attempts as of late. Life is too busy. Might've found me a job place today. Its called "Computer Whizz" heh, fits me well right?? Yeah, I went there today, completely forgetting that it was closed, so I went up, looked through the door, and nobody was in. I went back to my car, and the guy who runs the place walks out, and says, how can I help you??

All I needed was a Monitor cable, but before I left, I asked about a job, and he said I needed a resume to turn in, and to turn it in on tuesday. Sounds good to me!!

Hopefully that works out.

Solo and Ensamble went well. We got superiors, and we preformed really well. I was happy about that... turns out we'll be going to state though, and I have to meet Mr.Thomas.

Apparently, he's extremely harsh on people, and all this other stuff... So exciting. Honestly though, if he's a jerk to me, I dont care how good of a saxophone player he is, he still has no respect in my eyes. Yes, he may be amazing... but it doesnt matter how amazing a person is at something. If they're a jerk, and an irrespectful person, it doesnt even matter.

We shall see.

Life isnt horrible. Still really rather wanting a girlfriend, but you know, life goes on.


Saturday, February 14, 2009


I have a few words I'd like to say.

Quite literally... few words.


'Nuff said.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Holy Hell

Excuse my oxymoron, but I think it fits this entry quite nicely. So...

Emily apologized to me tonight.

Yeah... ima say it again.

SHE apologized to ME...

Something seems out of place.... Like... she's not the person to go and apologize to someone. AT ALL. WAHHHHH........

just... I mean, its awesome that she did, because I'd never have the guts to do so... I mean, I'd tell myself that i woudld, but in the end, I never could... this is... wahh.

Tonight. Is shock.

Maybe a good time to fly....