Thursday, February 26, 2009

Steady now... steady...


Had a concert tonight. It went.... well.... in a sense that "well" means absolutely rediculusly horrible. Good times.

Really... really.......REALLY tired tonight, and so glad I get to sleep in tomorrow. Life is good. Kinda. Yeah.

Girls might be looking up. Laurel might not be a dead end after all. We shall see.

idk. Just wanted to update. Kinda-Sorta-ish... not really...but totally...not wanting to be sorta-consistant-ish. Meh. Idk. Just have to type.

As of now. I'm thinking about majoring in music. I'm darn sure I'm not giving it up when even now, its playing such a big, awesome, amazing, role in my life. Although, I really want to add some technology stuff in there too. Argh. Idk, we'll see.

In about 2 months, my mom is buying me a new computer, and I get to build it from scratch. I'm SO excited!!! It'll be truly awesome, and the computer will have my own personal touch.. forever!!!

Plus, that means 2 man games of Starcraft/Halo/Other network games in my room. WEWT!!!!

So yeah. Ginger is on my bed sulking, as always. Although, she is a really cute dog... <3 her too much.

This pretty much sums it up for the update. Life is good. People are talking. Things are looking up.


Good times.

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