Tuesday, August 19, 2008


So, pretty much, life is GREAT right now. I have an awesome girlfriend named Emily. Which I TOTALLY ate my words, 2 posts down. Band is awesome, somehow I got really like... good-moody during it, and just, it went by rather quick. I've about leveled out all those girl-relationships that have been rocky, and Justin's finally going out with Margie.

For a second, I was extremely happy to hear of them going out, but there was that pang of regret. It lasted for maybe like, 40minutes to 1hour. But, then i called Emily, and things went great. She really is an awesome girl...

So yeah. Simple and short update. I might talk about teachers and school later. Maybe. It'd take awhile...

Oh, and for future's sake. I HATE THOLEN. Simply put. There. okay.


Saturday, August 16, 2008


WOW... Massive update.

Band Camp is over, I have an awesome girlfriend, and schools fixing to start.

This year... is something I'm going to just have to jump into. I cant just dip my feet into, and hope to survivie. My schedule includes 4 honors classes, Band, and Spanish. I'm taking 2 band courses this year, with Jazz band in the mornings, and Wind Symphony as an actual class. Already, school one day away, I've been lazy. I was supposed to read 2 books this summer... dropped the ball on that one. To Kill a Mockingbird I finished today, it was actually better than I remember back in 8th grade, and the Count of Montecristo is something that I'm going to have to sparknote sometime later.

My girlfriends name is Emily, and I certainly hope things go very well. We'll see how it goes over the next weeks.

Short update. Just for the sake of me.

GL and HF


Thursday, August 7, 2008

Number Two

As I type this, I'm waiting for someone to give me something interesting to talk about. Her names Emily, and she could be a potential girlfriend in the future. lol, who knows. I dont think me and her have enough similairities to really try anything. Who knows though, I could eat my words later on. I mean, if anything, she doesnt look half bad. Whatever. We'll see. I personally dont think we "click" enough for anything.

Oh my goodness. These past 2-3 weeks have been INTENSE. Band Camp was freaking Hell... although, I actually, almost enjoyed it. Its something you dont want to do, but you make the best of it, and you learn a bunch of core value's. Of course, not being a freshman is also AWESOME. I'm not always the one being corrected, and I even got "Best Returning Member" this year! I was so happy! I love this blog, because I can state some of my true feelings without anyone knowing. Good times.

Anyway, so Margie. She really made a train wreck in my head... big time. I've never seen a girl thats been able to manipulate me so well, and then just discard me. I mean, aside from being TOTALLY heartbroken, she went with a good friend of mine, whom I introduced to her. Talk about freaking Ironic. I mean, this whole story is just laced with irony. Whatever. Anyway, so I'm STILL trying to get ovet that, because like, I wish I could totally throw out some of my emotions, because its just, it makes me REALLY mad. Yet, somehow, I still have to try and be friends. Thank God for this blog.

Band Camp was crazy. about 8-9 incoming freshman were taught how to march, how to play advanced music, and run around on a field in about 8 days. Amazing what a group of people can do when you all unite under a common delima. Next year, hopefully, Justin and I will be Co-Captains, and pure awesomeness will ensue.

Anyway. There's my vent for tonight. Maybe you'll get another in a few weeks. But of course, I'm sure nobody reads this anyways, so it works out quite well... =]
