Thursday, December 4, 2008

All is calm

With no more stalkers reading this thing, you officially must know that life is good.

Everything is still... the water goes without a ripple. What little raindrops that do come, ripple away without notice.


good times.

I suppose its been overdue in my life for some drama. I wonder where it'll come from next.

Here's the last bit of the Margie Chronicles:

Justin and Margie broke up. Quite awhile ago actually. I dont remember when I stopped liking her... I'm sure its in a post somewhere far down there, but I stopped.

Choas ensued, just as I had predicted. Justin was devastated. Margie was a bit upset for awhile... although, its all to be expected. The first breakup is really... insane. Its almost surreal. I mean, you just... dont ever see it coming. Absolutely horrible, I must tell you.

They broke up. It was quite rocky for a few weeks thereafter. Lots of sorrys, and why's, and all this stuff.... but surprisingly enough. Both of them lived.

Life has been pretty much normal up untill now, from then. Although, Margie isnt quite the friend I expected her to be. Its not my fault though... it has to come through a willingness on her part. Not mine. So in that respect... So be it.

I want to expand a little bit on that... despite my closing words. Genevieve. She has remained... if you will "consistant". lol, Gen? Consistant?! Its true. She's actually been more consistant than say someone like Margie. Rediculus. I know.

Whatever. I'm always here when she does decide to be a bit closer of a friend. Thats me. Always here. Hah. Good times.

Schools going right along... and marching seasons over. Its crazy, and even at times, I almost miss it... ALMOST. Haha, it'll just make next year cooler.

Thats it for now. Thanks for reading.... ;)



Justin said...
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Justin said...

*tips hat*

Sorry for double post.