Thursday, January 29, 2009

Entry Two

1/29/09 Tried flying again last night. Even more crazy results. Tried the whole "white room" bit, imagining myself there, and I got the same results. Except this time... I didnt freak out.

Heart rate, sky-rocketed, breathing got shaky, everything was spinning. I was falling, I was at two different places at once. It was insane. Before too long, I came down from this little... experience?? I lost focus, and just, kinda "came back"

Yet.. after this, argh, I cant really describe it. Honestly, I thinK I'll keep a REAL journal about what goes on, and keep it next to my bedside. Easier to write in, and It'll be more personal. Good stuff.

Girl life. Non-Existant now. Good stuff.

been kinda.. "blah" lately... i dont know why either. =[ I'm sure i'll snap out of it eventually. Just takes time...

Decent grades.

Math C+
Science B
AP Macro-Economics C
Band A
German A
English C

Good day.

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