Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hello World....

I just found an AMAZINGLY good use for this blog, you know, now that life's settled down a bit.

Flying Journal. =D

I'll start making posts about how my progress of "flying" is going. You know, if there's nothing in my life worth talking about.

Anyway, on to life first. Girls. Taylor. I problably ruined any chance that i had with her by our conversation last night. You know, smart ol' martin decides its a good idea to start pondering the topic of who people like. Smart choice. XD

Eventually, it gets to the point where she can rather tell that I "like" her. Honestly though, I think its only a bit of a crush. She's cute, Nice, and I get along with her pretty well. That pretty much means I could easily start to "like" them, so you know. Who knows. Whatever happens there will happen. Oh well.

Astral Projection. AKA Flying. From here on in, every journal I mention "Astral Projection" It will be known as Flying. I think its a better, more easily accessed word/name, and not many people get suspicious when you say "Flying. BBL". Plus, saying Astral Projection makes me feel odd.

Flying - The practice of purposefully taking your spirit for joy-rides around the Etheric/Astral plane(s). Thats it, in a nutshell. If you ever do happen to fly, I've read lots of different stories. Worlds that do not look like ours... yet are the same. Spiritual Guides, different galaxies, lots of crazyness.

From here on in, I shall use this blog as a journal-place for dreams/Flying attempts... because you know. Every person who wants to fly always has to have a journal!! *cough* hint *cough*.

1/19/08 - Tried to fly last night. More sucess than normal. Once I finally got relaxed, and into a nice state of mind, I started drifting around. I dont know for how long I drifted. Lots of stuff came to mind... and I think batman was one of them. I dont altogether remember. Anyway, I eventually came back to focus, and probed aroud inside my body. You know, thinking about each part of my body, seeing how numb/relaxed it was. Had very good progress. Everything was heavy, and I was very relaxed. I then started to invision myself in other spots, somewhat around my room... Here's where it got odd. I had really bad progress, and I got impatient, as I usually do... but then I thought "Dude. Impatience wont get you anywhere, just take a deep breath, and relax." So.. thats what I did. One or two deep breaths though the nose, and I told myself to relax. It was CRAZY. That right there, made me feel extremely relaxed (Heh, hope it should... -.-) and after a little bit, I got a good feeling... along the lines of "I can wait as long as needed. =D" Here's where things started to happen.

What happened next.. is hard to describe. I kept imagining myself in different places, and I started feeling REALLY strange. Like I was spinning, and falling. Good stuff. It was great, I stayed more relaxed than normal, and kept with them... but then something got me. My mind was directed to a place I had never seen before (or atleast, can remember), and I was trying to place myself there. It was working astonishingly well... I seriously felt like I was in 2 places at once.. but my mind, it just HAD to know where this other place was. It got too focused on trying to remember where it had seen the place before... and I got distracted. Lost focus. Came back to earth.

Hands down, this has been the best progress I've made in all my previous attempts. I seriously, felt plain out odd... Afterwards, once I lost focus, i tried a few more times, but just couldnt get it. Eventually, I beasted out of my relaxation, rolled over, and went to sleep.

There is it. Journal 1. XD

Good stuff.

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