Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Well now

Considering the fact that I problably lead anyone off who WAS reading this, here goes a few bits of my mind for everyone... aka: nobody.

So, I like this girl named Margie. Yet, she's going out with my best friend. Had some history within all that, but its history. Done, over with. She went with him, and here I am. Although, lately, it almost seems as if she's regretting it slightly. I mean, she likes him, but it almost seems as if she would like to pick someone else go for.

She mentions that she is looking at the broader side of the dating horizon, which almost makes me think I might have a chance in the near future. That'd be awesome... except, well, what if she pulls another Justin? Do I seriously want to go through all of this..... again? Aparently I just didnt size up to Justin. So like... whats to keep that from happening again? Obviously she chose someone else over me in the first place, so I have some big doubts in the whole scheme of this. Dont get me wrong though. If there was some way to know that that wouldnt happen.... I'd be there in a heartbeat.

Idk, it seems like being..... 2nd best, I guess you could say, isnt quite what I had wanted it to be. Life certainly isnt perfect, and we cant have everything that we want, but just. Maybe some things are meant to work out not well?

My mind tonight, is doing some serious mulling. Its thinking, and confusing itself. I'm also mentally fatigued beyond belief so that may have something to do with it. I think I'm just being more open than I usually am.

If anyone does end up reading this, just remember. Its a blog. Its something I use to vent. Some of the things I say on here may be true, and others I could just be emotional about. Haha, thats right. Me. Martin, emotional. Amazing, I know.

This represents my thoughts, and maybe where I think blame should be. But honestly, this is some of my more selfish, and random thoughts, that I can say without really having to worry about it. If you ARE reading this, its your own decision, and you accept the responsability of what you see here. Sorry if its not sugar-coated.

So today in band was fun. 2 hours of wasted time, and 15 minutes out late. Kaminsky is a good guy, but he seriously needs to get his act together. My main complaint? No eye contact. He always tells us that being on-time, is 15 minutes late. So why cant you follow through, and actually let us out ON time? If you make such a big deal about us, why dont you step up to the plate, and actually try what your talking about?  Rawr.

Quick-Random update from me, that wasnt really quick. I thought about most of this rather slowly. lol, whatever. if you read this? Kudos. 

Have a cookie. See ya around.

Oh, PS, Margie, if you DO read this. Your last hint, for that second blog is " - "


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