Tuesday, September 30, 2008


So, these past few days have been interesing. I went to homecoming, that was fun. Although, I think it would've been much more fun if the girl who had asked me, didnt use me as a last resort. Whatever. I went along for the ride, had a good times. Life goes on.

Secondly... well, not much else has happened. The whole thing with Margie went kaboom, because she couldnt keep her mouth shut. Meh. She told Justin that I had something I'd never tell him. So much for secrecy right? As of now, they are once again a completely happy couple, and life is going great for them. Awesome stuff.

Thirdly. My "date" to homecoming, Genevieve. She asked me to go to homecoming as "Friends", okay, I can understand that. Nobody else to go with, awesome. Now, maybe if she showed some of the signs of friendship towards me... I might not feel so... used? A definition of "friend" from Dictionary.com is this

"1. a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
  2. a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter"

Two of the six right there. Now, if I were to examine what is between me and Genevieve, I seriously doubt it is a friendship. She is not even closed to being in ANY WAY "Attatched" to me. First off. Secondly, I dont believe she had given me any assistance, OR support. Maybe when we first met, for what, two weeks? Dont mind me rambling, but I seriously think something is screwed. up. right there. Worst part about it is? I cant talk to her about it. She either wont care, wont change, or just ignore me completely. Sure, even if i DID try, I'd be saying "Hey, be my friend" Last time I checked, you cant force a friendship. Its usually a mutual thing.

It gets better though. Check this out, Homecoming night went okay, I was closer'ish to her most of the night, and we got along pretty well. Now, see, I dont really "like" someone unless I think there may be a chance. Keeps me from being just overall stupid. Anyway, so I pondered the thought of liking Genevieve. Figured, aww heck, why not? We get along pretty well, She's really pretty, and I think it might work out okay. So, I ask Margie if maybe she could poke around in a way to see if Genevieve might give me another chance. Aparently, Genevieve would. She didnt even have to ask... and I kinda know that as truth. Seriously, if she's not even a real friend right now, what makes me think she'd consider going out with me? idk. Maybe I was tired that night, but like, as soon as I asked this question, I get something of a response later

"You just need to get out of our grade"

Seriously? Would "Hey, I know you may like her, but I think it'd be best if you just stick with your own age group." not work? Honestly because like, i'm not a thickheaded kid. I usually catch onto things people are feeling or thinking before they care to tell me. But to come out THAT strongly, and THAT blunt, I think is just plain mean. "I'm a very blunt person, you should know that." I believe, what she's trying to say is, "I know this hurts, and I know its rather mean to say it, but I dont really care about you." If you seriously are a friend to someone, you dont treat them like trash. You treat them as a friend. Whether the situations good or not. Oh well though, our society today says its okay to be completely rude to others, and be able to get away with it. Nobody cares. Your not alloud to care.

So. There's my "crying" for you. Of course, NOBODY reads this now, because I changed the site adress. So I'm pretty much good to say whatever I feel like it from here on in. Woohoo.

Yeah.... Thats about it for tonight. Woot for venting.

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