Saturday, September 19, 2009

Moar Responsability!!

Dear people who might read this blog.

I have a guild, and its called Oasis. A custom domain would actually.. be quite nice in the life of this guild too. We now have an official Age of Chivalry dedicated server, and we're growing with members daily.

I would love a custom domain for a few reasons... Firstly, it would make the guild that I run, look more professional. Although, its also a gaming guild.. so you can only get so "classy".

Secondly, I think my members would feel more inclined to spread the word about our guild because of its unique name. Having the whole website host-name after a guild can be awfully bad-looking sometimes. A Custom domain would fix this.

Finally, having a custom domain is just cool. Plus, Lefora would get mad props for being these awesome people who gave out custom domains....


Lefora! <------ Cool Forum Website. Check it out, really simple + easy to use interface, and easily customizable.

Thats all Folks!


Life is good. School is easy. Band is Fun.

GG, No RE.



Thursday, July 9, 2009


Back to the normal old grind. Gotta love it.

Life is good. Summer is amazing. People are great. Friends are timeless. I'm freaking tired.

Seems things finally are working out. You know. Just. Things. And then other things. Plus some other things too.





yeah... i'm tired....


<3 again.


Not really.

hi. =]

GG, No RE, ttyl, bbl, ysbilyanwekwtmslirgay. Its a really long acronym that i've forgotten already.

I'll be around.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Its about that time...

You know. For an update!!

Summer so far, has been quite nice, despite the fact that it seems like it been going on for MUCH longer than only 1 week.

Yes, thats right. Summer is officially 1 week old... can you believe it?? It feels like much... much longer for me. Although.. I guess thats a good thing.

Personally, it still hasnt really kicked me in the face, you know, the fact that its summer and all. Like, yesterday, I could've SWORN it was saturday, and just, today, it feels like sunday, and like there's school tomorrow.

Its so odd, just being able to relax.. and just... yeah... *sigh*. Good times.

So Justin is reformatting his computer tonight, and its about darn time. Been threatening for quite a long time now. Hopefully, once its all done and over with, we'll be able to actually play some games together. Thats the goal atleast.

Amy Fox is currently down in... uhh... somewhere.. down south... near orlando... Kissimmi!!! I think, however you spell it.

She went down there to stay in a condo for about a week with her family, and to just chillax. Woot for relaxation. Ima need some before too much longer... *sigh*, mountains trip... not again....

So life right now, is quite nice. Everything has aligned to quite the perfect balance of friends + Activities + Family... and what I mean by the perfect balance of family, is just enough time to see them, ask to do something, and then say thanks. Haha, its horrible, I know, but I figure i'll get plenty of "bonding" time when i drive my parents, or mom, or someone, up to north carolina, which, is a nice 12 hour drive away.

I wonder what driving some odd 12 hours will be like... I mean, maybe without my parents it'd be a lot more fun, becuase then I could really listen to music as loud as I'd like, and just, think about whatever.

I mean, I can still think about whatever, but there'll just be a parent next to me, trying to get me to talk 99% of the time, if they're not asleep. Meh... Oh well.

Lately, I've really been wanting to just play some games, but I'm scared that my parents will want me to do something, and i'll have to let down people I'm playing with, and just get them all mad at me.

Meh... I think I care about my commitments too much... well, maybe virtually.. but those are real people I'm talking with!! Waghghghggh, I dont even know.

Conclusion. Life is amazing. Not really much else to say.

Hung out with Justin + Taylor today. That was fun. Now they can officially relate a name to a face, and a voice, and some actions, and some conversations, and some games... and well, just general memories. lawl.

Good times..... ;)

I'll be around.


Monday, June 1, 2009

Life is once again, Good.

I'm single.

A few things are lining up, QUITE nicely along with that fact.

Melissa called and broke up with me last night, I mean, she just wasnt happy as the way I was acting as a "boyfriend" (In which, I knew exactly what I was doing, in hopes that those actions would help end it.... I was right.. =D )

So, as of today... I'm single, and its a big relief.

Never really was... content, with her. So to speak. Yes, I know, I'm a horrible person, haha, but you know, it works out. Works out quite nicely... so to speak.

Summers going to be freaking amazing.

until next time.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

My mind, and relationships

This friday, being the 7th week in what you would call a "relationship" between me and Melissa, has made me think. Yes, I've had 2nd thoughts about this at times... but I've stuck it out, and I'm rather glad.... although, if you didnt know already my mind is a tad bit crazy. I wont go into explanation other than saying, I think I may have figured out why.

My whole "relationship life" has been something that I have not been able to trust once. Trust is something very, very hard for me to do, simply because once I think I can trust someone, I try to test the trust, and its really not there.

Every relationship I've had was a "failure" so to speak. Never really gotthe trust that I wanted just to "be there". Furthermore, I never felt things were right, simply because I wasnt doing my half of the relationship.

I think of myself as a hopeless romantic, and so I sometimes think of movie relationships as sort of an... ideal image?? Idk, but it's never really occured to me until just recently that, those characters in the movies, they trust each other... and it wasnt just like that, even in the movies, it took time, it took effort, and trust. I'm learning it. Slowly but surely.

I think things in this relationship will turn out nicely. Time will tell... and I think this time, time just may be on my side.

Until next time!

Monday, May 4, 2009



I was sick today, my throat killing me.

Life is... interesting, as always. Truly, I can never be content with what life throws at me. Those turtles always mixing things up.

I'm in such an odd mood tonight, hah! I know what it is. *shakes head* I cant believe it. Ahhhhh....

Fond memories, for sure.

mang. This is insane. Ima post on the other blog. It needs some company.

Ginger loves you!!

My mind is currently rotating quickly now. The maze is turning, and once again, I am put back in the dead centre of it. I wonder. Will anyone ever catch me? Save me from this maze??

Its doubted. Aside from a few people, maybe 1, its simply something to read, something to ponder for a few minutes, than disregard.

Sometimes I wonder if I really have misplaced all my trust, even after two years of making mistakes, and learning. *sigh*. The mind of me, oh how I wish it wasnt.

I'm listening to acoustic music. Maybe thats why my mind is so twisty right now. Shoot mang! Wahhh.

Someone save me. Re-Read the past. It always repeats... Why oh why.


Ima rant on for a little. just kinda, you know, throw some odd things out on this blog. Considering I know that Mrs.(wonderful =])Fox, will be reading, I apologize now. You must not be understanding any of this. XD

I still have yet to send over a song, or maybe I have. I cant remember. *goes off to look for their album*

Did you know its been about a year? A whole year... and yet, it seems horribly so much more... Why is time like this??

One second, its fast, and the next its slow. Truly, I simply cannot make heads or tales of it. I mean... all of my life today, seems is compressed into a year.

This blog is reaching its 1 year very soon. July 27th was when this one was posted. I made another before that, problably around this time. Just when things started to turn for the worst... or better. Truly, I'll never know until I look back years from now.

Oh how I wish I could look foward.. and then back, to right now, and be able to tell myself that everything did work out perfectly. Although, as we all know, Time waits for no man, and the good times we once had, will only be that. The past. Memories of a time when things were so simple.

I still wonder, about life you know. Everything from my puppy, right behind me, ginger, and school. From lunch, to AP MacroEconomics... Man. Life is so... rediculus.

*sad smile*. For some reason, I want this post just to keep going, and going, and then maybe, something will click. As for whom it will click... well, we'll just have to wait and see.

Living each day to its fullest, is something that is truly harder said than done. If you really did, live each day to the fullest, your life would be so so so much different. Everybody would know everything. Life would just be... in ruins. Truly, everything, and everybody you knew, would be changed, along with yourself.

After that, you'd have to completely rebuild. Start over.... although, I wonder, once it all started to rebuild. Would life be so different? Oh it would though! Every day, not having to hold anything in, not having to wish that you could've done/said something. It would be truly, bliss...

but as we all know, life really isnt bliss. Everyone is too scared to really live in the moment, and live each day to the fullest. Once people started doing that, life just wouldnt be the same. Everything... every little core thread of the human population would change.

Just think! If everyone strived their hardest, and just worked, lived each day... how much more of an amazing world would we have today? Really... it would be amazing.

I'll never live like that, atleast, not in high school. Things are just too fragile. Maybe my senior year, when evertything is there, and I have nothing to lose... Everyone above me, will be gone. Everyone below me, knowing nothing as I do, as I've seen...

Why do I have this mind? I think I've said it before, but I still dont understand.

Some people may venture to call me wise... and deep down, I guess I kinda am. idk, but even if I am... my wisdom is wasted on everyone around me, simply because they dont live. I dont even live anymore.... just think, If I were to really live, so many things would be different.

People would hate me, others would love me. Relationships would fall, and new ones arise. Truly, to say everything on my chest, within 1 day, would be so totally amazing.

All my friendships ruined... but at what cost?? If I were to truly live to the fullest, none of it would matter, simply because they were only holding me back to begin with... *sigh* Oh the musings of a madman. XD

I think I am going to end it about here. It truly doesnt matter anyway, I mean, if anybody even comes close to deciphering half of this message, to any extent of what I mean, I will be truly amazed...

But see, thats just the thing. The people who I would want the most to translate, just wont do it. I think thats what hurts people the most.

When the people you admire/love/respect the most, just dont seem to return the slightest emotion... thats what breaks people.

It breaks someone when they finally realize, that they just dont care.


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Life is good


Life is good. Not much more to say. All alone at home right now, parents driving to orlando. Cool stuff. Loud music.

Not much more to say. Going to new york in a few hours. Good stuff.


Thursday, March 19, 2009


My mind. is. well. RAWR

I'm trying to sort out a bunch of things right now. Really am. It'll get better over time, for sure.... but see, first I have to get there.

Lord help me.


Monday, March 16, 2009


Life. Its pretty insane. Same thing. Over and over... lots of busywork. Good stuff.

Girlfriend might come through soon. Still a bit soon to tell, but things seem to be working nicely with an old friend. Time will tell.

Only a quick update, you know, to hold true to the purpose statement, stated at the very begining. Back when life was simple. Back when things seeemed to have an apparent begining, middle, and even, an end.

Saturday, February 28, 2009


I heard the latest price was like 250DKP. Thats insane, but I suppose thats life for you. Laurel is an awesome girl, but it certainly wont work for the time being. Different schools, age gap (Parents wont let her date till she's 16), and just, idk. Not seeing each other enough would kill me.

Not saying it wont work... but as for the time being, I'm going to try and back off just a little bit. Maybe if she follows, then I'll continue efforts, but if not. Life will go on.

Argh. I hate my mind. I really want a girlfriend for some reason, and I really dont think its going to work out for a little while. Meh... thats life.

Saw this guy today, named Grady McMurtry, and he was an AMAZING Creationist Scientist. Good guy. Really knew his stuff... I think I'll be showing some of my friends about his stuff. Show them how evolution really doesnt make sense.

Good stuff. Its a saturday, I should be happy. Cheer up me!!! Okay. Yeah...


P.S, I'm being more consistant. WOOT. -.-

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Steady now... steady...


Had a concert tonight. It went.... well.... in a sense that "well" means absolutely rediculusly horrible. Good times.

Really... really.......REALLY tired tonight, and so glad I get to sleep in tomorrow. Life is good. Kinda. Yeah.

Girls might be looking up. Laurel might not be a dead end after all. We shall see.

idk. Just wanted to update. Kinda-Sorta-ish... not really...but totally...not wanting to be sorta-consistant-ish. Meh. Idk. Just have to type.

As of now. I'm thinking about majoring in music. I'm darn sure I'm not giving it up when even now, its playing such a big, awesome, amazing, role in my life. Although, I really want to add some technology stuff in there too. Argh. Idk, we'll see.

In about 2 months, my mom is buying me a new computer, and I get to build it from scratch. I'm SO excited!!! It'll be truly awesome, and the computer will have my own personal touch.. forever!!!

Plus, that means 2 man games of Starcraft/Halo/Other network games in my room. WEWT!!!!

So yeah. Ginger is on my bed sulking, as always. Although, she is a really cute dog... <3 her too much.

This pretty much sums it up for the update. Life is good. People are talking. Things are looking up.


Good times.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Life is good. Homework sucks. Just a quick update for the MASS of people, who I'm sure read this. XD.

Girls... Not many of em are still around. Laurel is the only one who pulled through. Although nothings official, and problably wont be for quite some time, I've seemed to have found a happy medium. She potentially likes me, and I still like her. Who knows what will happen. Life is pretty good.

No flying attempts as of late. Life is too busy. Might've found me a job place today. Its called "Computer Whizz" heh, fits me well right?? Yeah, I went there today, completely forgetting that it was closed, so I went up, looked through the door, and nobody was in. I went back to my car, and the guy who runs the place walks out, and says, how can I help you??

All I needed was a Monitor cable, but before I left, I asked about a job, and he said I needed a resume to turn in, and to turn it in on tuesday. Sounds good to me!!

Hopefully that works out.

Solo and Ensamble went well. We got superiors, and we preformed really well. I was happy about that... turns out we'll be going to state though, and I have to meet Mr.Thomas.

Apparently, he's extremely harsh on people, and all this other stuff... So exciting. Honestly though, if he's a jerk to me, I dont care how good of a saxophone player he is, he still has no respect in my eyes. Yes, he may be amazing... but it doesnt matter how amazing a person is at something. If they're a jerk, and an irrespectful person, it doesnt even matter.

We shall see.

Life isnt horrible. Still really rather wanting a girlfriend, but you know, life goes on.


Saturday, February 14, 2009


I have a few words I'd like to say.

Quite literally... few words.


'Nuff said.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Holy Hell

Excuse my oxymoron, but I think it fits this entry quite nicely. So...

Emily apologized to me tonight.

Yeah... ima say it again.

SHE apologized to ME...

Something seems out of place.... Like... she's not the person to go and apologize to someone. AT ALL. WAHHHHH........

just... I mean, its awesome that she did, because I'd never have the guts to do so... I mean, I'd tell myself that i woudld, but in the end, I never could... this is... wahh.

Tonight. Is shock.

Maybe a good time to fly....

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Entry Two

1/29/09 Tried flying again last night. Even more crazy results. Tried the whole "white room" bit, imagining myself there, and I got the same results. Except this time... I didnt freak out.

Heart rate, sky-rocketed, breathing got shaky, everything was spinning. I was falling, I was at two different places at once. It was insane. Before too long, I came down from this little... experience?? I lost focus, and just, kinda "came back"

Yet.. after this, argh, I cant really describe it. Honestly, I thinK I'll keep a REAL journal about what goes on, and keep it next to my bedside. Easier to write in, and It'll be more personal. Good stuff.

Girl life. Non-Existant now. Good stuff.

been kinda.. "blah" lately... i dont know why either. =[ I'm sure i'll snap out of it eventually. Just takes time...

Decent grades.

Math C+
Science B
AP Macro-Economics C
Band A
German A
English C

Good day.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hello World....

I just found an AMAZINGLY good use for this blog, you know, now that life's settled down a bit.

Flying Journal. =D

I'll start making posts about how my progress of "flying" is going. You know, if there's nothing in my life worth talking about.

Anyway, on to life first. Girls. Taylor. I problably ruined any chance that i had with her by our conversation last night. You know, smart ol' martin decides its a good idea to start pondering the topic of who people like. Smart choice. XD

Eventually, it gets to the point where she can rather tell that I "like" her. Honestly though, I think its only a bit of a crush. She's cute, Nice, and I get along with her pretty well. That pretty much means I could easily start to "like" them, so you know. Who knows. Whatever happens there will happen. Oh well.

Astral Projection. AKA Flying. From here on in, every journal I mention "Astral Projection" It will be known as Flying. I think its a better, more easily accessed word/name, and not many people get suspicious when you say "Flying. BBL". Plus, saying Astral Projection makes me feel odd.

Flying - The practice of purposefully taking your spirit for joy-rides around the Etheric/Astral plane(s). Thats it, in a nutshell. If you ever do happen to fly, I've read lots of different stories. Worlds that do not look like ours... yet are the same. Spiritual Guides, different galaxies, lots of crazyness.

From here on in, I shall use this blog as a journal-place for dreams/Flying attempts... because you know. Every person who wants to fly always has to have a journal!! *cough* hint *cough*.

1/19/08 - Tried to fly last night. More sucess than normal. Once I finally got relaxed, and into a nice state of mind, I started drifting around. I dont know for how long I drifted. Lots of stuff came to mind... and I think batman was one of them. I dont altogether remember. Anyway, I eventually came back to focus, and probed aroud inside my body. You know, thinking about each part of my body, seeing how numb/relaxed it was. Had very good progress. Everything was heavy, and I was very relaxed. I then started to invision myself in other spots, somewhat around my room... Here's where it got odd. I had really bad progress, and I got impatient, as I usually do... but then I thought "Dude. Impatience wont get you anywhere, just take a deep breath, and relax." So.. thats what I did. One or two deep breaths though the nose, and I told myself to relax. It was CRAZY. That right there, made me feel extremely relaxed (Heh, hope it should... -.-) and after a little bit, I got a good feeling... along the lines of "I can wait as long as needed. =D" Here's where things started to happen.

What happened next.. is hard to describe. I kept imagining myself in different places, and I started feeling REALLY strange. Like I was spinning, and falling. Good stuff. It was great, I stayed more relaxed than normal, and kept with them... but then something got me. My mind was directed to a place I had never seen before (or atleast, can remember), and I was trying to place myself there. It was working astonishingly well... I seriously felt like I was in 2 places at once.. but my mind, it just HAD to know where this other place was. It got too focused on trying to remember where it had seen the place before... and I got distracted. Lost focus. Came back to earth.

Hands down, this has been the best progress I've made in all my previous attempts. I seriously, felt plain out odd... Afterwards, once I lost focus, i tried a few more times, but just couldnt get it. Eventually, I beasted out of my relaxation, rolled over, and went to sleep.

There is it. Journal 1. XD

Good stuff.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Message

You know, my friend Josh told me one time, to wait, and eventually, I'd get the girl of my dreams.. oh how I hate waiting.

Apparently he was also thought of as a friend quite a bit in his younger days, and I truly wonder how he finally managed to shake that thought.... A question i shall save for yet, another day.

Laurel thinks of me as a friend. Nothing more, nothing less. Quite a shame... yet, after three years of it not working, why should anything change now?

I'll always be there. I mean... thats just me. I try to be consistant. Someone, that someone could rely on. Whatever, atleast I try.

She's going for a different guy... *sigh*. Life will go on. Time heals all wounds...

Oh how I hate waiting.


Most previous friday... was quite possibly, one of the most fun nights in my life.

Why?? As you know.. anything ever worth talking about has a girl in it, and of course, this is no exception.

Back before the Margie Chronicles... way before they even got a little breath of life, there was this girl. Her name is Laurel.

She moved here when I was in 7th grade. She moved here, because her dad is the Pastor of our church... Good stuff right? Yeah... well, needless to say, we hit it off, and over the course of a few months/years, we really got to know each other. Very well.

It even come to a "climax" as I might call it, around the middle of 8th grade... we both liked each other, and I think we both knew it. Yet... just as I was sure I had it in the bag, she ended up "going out" with my friend Nic. Despite her saying that she really didnt.. I saw the note, and later on, she admitted that she did. It was quite a depressing night.

Skip ahead about a year and a half... From there, we were only friends. You know, me flirting constantly, hoping for anything, and just, the typical good friends type thing. You know the drill. Recently, she started to like my friend Jesse, and he started to like her. Good stuff... of course, I'm sitting here, going "meh. Used to it by now... *slight cry* "

Either way, I watched Jesse attempt to flirt, and so on... Didnt work so well. Of course, me being me, I'm consistant, and keep flirting. All that good stuff. I find all this information out by talking to jesse IRL, and Laurel by message + occasional sunday.. But recently, it turns out she has lost her liking for Jesse. Oh noes!!

This was friday... The night of "Capture the Flag", which, I feel, deserves a bit of a post on. It was an amazing night. I broke my previous record of guests brought. I broke it with 17 people. Good stuff right?

Anyway, I get there, and proceed to have a good time. idk, about after the 2nd game of CTF, we all go inside/split up, do whatever we want, and I get to talking to Laurel. Now, a good way of talking, without really talking is a cell phone. It goes like this. -Writes message- -hands to person- -person reads- -person deletes- -person writes new message- -hands phone back- -Continue-

I started off with some simple, "hows life, whats up" that whole bit. Eventually, I got to my simple apology letter, as always "Hey.. I hope you dont mind my consistant flirting." and just so on.

Told her about my life a little bit (as much as texting goes. lol), and just, enjoyed her company. Of course, throughout the night, I was flirting hard. You know, poking/hugs/close to her/the random physical contact. All that good stuff.

Eventually.. it gets to about 6am, and I've had enough of Rock Hero + Hard chairs. So I move my friend payton over on the couch, and make room for me + a small person... I bet you know who showed up. =P

Anyway, so we're sitting next to each other, quite close, mind you, and I whip out the phone, and start up the conversation.. except, only me talking. Eventually, it ends up to where I give my apology again.. and you know what happens? as soon as she reads it, she says "man, I'm so tired..." and puts her head on my shoulder. BAM BAM BAM. WOOHOO *Loud cheering from crowd* *estatic kid inside of me runs around screaming to whoever will listen*

That right there, was problably one of the best moments of my life. I kid you not. Like.. the joy I felt... undescribable. Of course, I exchange some texts, she aknowledges, and in general... I just make the best of it.

Of course, as we all know, Time stops for no man. That saying, I found holds very true... and this was no exception (Oh but dear God, did I wish just this one time it didnt...) She got up, I got up, we began to clean the house.

The all nighter was over, and I was left with that 1, amazing, wonderful, undescribable memory, and honestly, something like that might not ever happen again. I dont know. Time will tell.

As always, I sent the "after all-nighter message" to her (Facebook, this year), as I always do after one of those events... and well, its been 3 days (wow, seems a lot longer) no reponse yet. Darn her lack of computer access.

Haha, Idk. Its just, meh. I FINALLY find something that works out for an amazing night.. and I guess I'm just too impatient. Time will tell.

I'm hoping her message back is encouraging... if not, oh well. Life will go on, and I shall learn to "love" again. Good times..

If you read all this? Kudos. Hope you got something out of it... because I know I did. Venting really does make my heart so much lighter.... =]

Love to all,
