Monday, October 6, 2008

The Countdown Begins

As of today, there is 3/4 (3 if you consider today being over...) days left untill my 16th birthday. Pretty crazy if you ask me.... 16 years of my life has already gone by, and theres absolutely nothing I can do to take them back.... Could almost make a person ponder, with some of the things that could've, or should've happened..... but then you could also celebrate. A whole new realm of oppertuniy has opened. Driving.

Yep, being 16 wont be any different than being 15, just with more responsability. Woohoo. I'll be able to drive by myself Christmas Eve. Ashame I waited so long to get my license. I knew I'd regret it about a year ago.... and, well, what can I say? I regret it.

Also, there's only 2 days left of this blog being open. Hurrah for thoughts fixing to come out. I'm quite..... excited, yet dissapointed. Having somebody read these thoughts is almost nice. Yet, then again, if I said anything worth reading, my whole life would just fall apart. Well, maybe not entirely. haha, good times.

Anyway. Its monday..... and we have after school band tomorrow. That should prove to be fun... untill then... Happy Monday, and I'll be around.


*Hits the ground with a loud thump*

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