Monday, October 20, 2008

The last piece finally falls into place...

No more complaints. No more doubt.

What does this leave me? Absolutely nothing. Any little bit of a root was dying to grow, has been torn, and all thats left is destruction.

As I sit here, a complete lack of words is settling in. The last peice of the puzzle has been picked up, and its fixing to be put down.

It seems, he has finally learned something for his own.

Another nail into the coffin, another day done.... sometimes I wonder, could tomorrow really bring something that could change my outlook on something this grim? As to why I keep going, I cant altogether tell you.... Except for one thing.


Love is what holds me together. My friends, my family.... These are the two lights in my life. The few things I can really depend on...

But if I take look at these beacons, do they really hold true? If I were to trust completely in my family, would they hold? I know they would....

Friends, on the other hand. Should I be as so bold to even wonder? I'll hold that question for another day.

As for tonight. I am defeated. All will I have of wanting to see tomorrow is gone, and I have yet to know such defeat as of my entire life...

To truely vent my emotions would be impossible, and to even try would be a task far to great for me. 

Tomorrow is another day. That is all I can really rely on as of now. Everything else before me has fallen apart... 

The last peice finally has, fallen into place.  

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