Friday, October 3, 2008


So. This week wasnt bad, could've been better.... by far.

Although, I certainly do love how ironic my life can be sometimes. I mean... idk if Irony is the right word for it. Maybe horribly painful. Who knows. 

There was a point in time today, where I literally just felt like going somewhere private, and just sitting there for like, forever. It really kinda sucked, no lie. Oh well though, life goes on, and there's certainly nothing I can do about situations like that.

Maybe I'll get another chance in the future. Who knows. Nobody knows what tomorrow holds, so why dwell completely on today? Sure, your supposed to live in the moment, I believe in the completely, but what if the moment holds absolutely nothing good for you? Thats when you dwell. It seems I've been doing that more and more often these days....

This is where a few good friends should step in and help, but of course, I dont ever act like somethings wrong. Everythings always great in my life!! Haha, if only if only.... Yeah, Jesse failed at accountability for reals. I need to reel him back into my life.

But! Good news... Haha, well, more like good people. Justins quite the friend. He usually is there all the time, and we seem to get along pretty well... rofl. Best friend I have these days. Anyway

Blah. Blah... blah blah blah!!!!! Seriously, thats how I feel about my life right now. Purely blah. I mean, there's nothing horrible just like making me want to cry, but there certainly is lack of happyness.... To the extreme. Schools so... paranormal these days. The clock just flies, and It feels like I have my life on cruise control. Actually, I take that back. My life is on cruise control right now.... Brian, my youth minister says thats the worst thing I could ever do to my life... and I suppose I can see how.

For the time being, Cruise Controll is how it needs to be. I'm too "drunk" to get behind any type of wheel right now, let alone attempt to drive on the interstate.... Heh. Poison for the lose.

Random Update right ther. Take it for what you want.
    Quick quote before I go though.

“Love is patient; love is kind
and envies no one.
Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude;
never selfish, not quick to take offense.
There is nothing love cannot face;
there is no limit to its faith,
its hope, and endurance.
In a word, there are three things
that last forever: faith, hope, and love;
but the greatest of them all is love.”

Might've quoted it before... but it still remains the same quote. Same value.

I'll be around.

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