Monday, October 13, 2008


If I were to ponder past events, I might say, that an old friend seems to be popping into my head a bit more lately.... but of course, as history has taught us already, it wouldnt happen....... But what if?

What if somehow, I eventually managed to wedge my way into somebodys life? Could it work? Would I be looked down upon? Who knows. Would it work amazingly? Questions to ponder.

Honestly, I think it might work. If she might give me a chance, then just maybe. Of course, she wont, and I'll be left forever to wonder.

On a happier note, we had 2 band sectionals today. Saxophone Sectional, and Wind Symphony sectional. Got some decent experience with Saxophone sectional, and leading somemore. Wind Symphony music is actually rather challenging... but I can handle it. It gives me a class to almost look foward to! lol

Nothing really fun happened today. Got some chocolate for my birthday, from my dearest friend Amy Fox. Good stuff.

I'll be around. Maybe post more regularly. Only time will tell.....

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