Saturday, October 4, 2008

Half Way

Just think, in about 4 more days, this blog will be sunk!! Nobody will ever (That I know of) will read it again.... Ahh, I cant wait!! All my privacy back!! *sigh* This is gonna be awesome.

AWESOME night last night, over at Nic's house. Jesse, Dillon, Ben, Nic, and Me were there. Omg, I havent had that much fun in quite some time. Once we watched Iron Man (Fond memories...) we all went into Nic's room and proceeded to play video games and just have a great time. About half way through, we got Margie to call, and she was passed around the room. Fun stuff. 

A little later, I had agreed to talk to Savanna that night, so we had her call on a different phone. Talked to her for quite awhile. Fun stuff.

At one point, me and Jesse went outside, and we kinda split up some of the time. It was MEGA DARK out there too! Jesse scared me really badly... It was... scary!!

Yeah, so we had a great time. We really need to do that again, although, sadly, I dont think it'll happen for quite some time. These next few weeks are going to be insanely busy. Between compititions, birthdays, games, and life... its going to be intents. ;)

Here's where I take my leave.  Rawr.

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